Monday 22 February 2016

Hairdresser stabbed boyfriend to death for spending too much time on Facebook

A hairdresser stabbed her boyfriend to death after a blazing row over him spending too much time on Facebook befriending other women.

Terri-Marie Palmer, 23, fatally stabbed Damon Searson in the heart after flying into a jealous rage over his social media activity.
She then dialled 999 and claimed the stabbing happened accidentally when she threw Damon the blade at the caravan park where they were staying.

She said: "It's a carving knife. We literally only got it today. It's really f****** sharp."

But a jury didn't believe Palmer and convicted her of murder..
The court had heard how only moments before the killing, she had posted on Facebook: "He p***** me off sitting on Facebook, completely blanking me when I'm talking to him."

She then stabbed Mr Searson, 24, as he checked his messages.

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