Friday 27 October 2017

Spain imposes direct rule after Catalonia votes to declare independence

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Rajoy, who has vowed to stop the region becoming independent, is now expected to call a cabinet meeting to begin assuming control of the region and sacking its president, Carles Puigdemont.
On Friday afternoon, Catalan MPs voted for independence by a margin of 70 votes to 10. Two ballot papers were blank.
The result was greeted with jubilation by pro-independence MPs, who applauded and began singing the Catalan anthem, Els Segadors. Thousands of people gathered outside Catalonia’s parliament building in support of the region’s independence bid cheered and danced at the move.
But the proposal, brought by the region’s ruling Together for Yes coalition and their far-left allies the CUP party, was bitterly attacked by opposition MPs who boycotted a vote they viewed as illegal.
Dozens of members of the Catalan Socialist party (PSC) walked out of the chamber before the vote, as did MPs from the centrist Ciutadans party and the conservative People’s party. Some left Spanish and Catalan flags on their empty seats.

Opponents of independence accused Puigdemont and his allies of ignoring the views of the majority of Catalans who wish to remain part of Spain.
On Friday morning, as the parliament prepared to debate its response to the Madrid government’s decision to take control of the region, separatist MPs had filed a motion to hold a vote on whether to create “a Catalan republic as an independent and sovereign state of democratic and social law”.
In a tweet posted shortly after the result was announced, Rajoy said: “I appeal for all Spaniards to stay calm. The rule of law will restore legality in Catalonia.”
Carlos Carrizosa of Ciutadans described Friday as “a sad day and a blow to democracy”.
Turning on the regional government and its president, he added: “You’re like gods, above the law. How can you imagine you can impose independence like this without a majority in favour … and with this simulacrum of a referendum? Puigdemont will be remembered not for ruining Catalonia but for having divided the Catalans and Spain.”
Eva Granados of the Catalan PSC asked: “Have you any idea how frightened many Catalans are?”
However, Carles Riera of the CUP said the declaration would pave the way for independence and a transformation of the lives of working people.
“We declare the republic of Catalonia,” he said. “This is a happy day.”
The vote came hours after Rajoy asked the Spanish senate for authorisation to fire the Catalan president and his cabinet as Madrid prepares to assume control of the region to put an end to the independence crisis.

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